Waiting to Exhale

full-moon-month-night-wolf-name-sky-JanuaryThese are wild times.

They are so wild, in fact, that it looks like we are all going around stumbling and mumbling, making very little sense of how we choose to move through our days.

Do we react to what arises & then leg it before being crushed under the weight of embarrassment?

Do we pause, choose, and then act instead, ensuring the best outcome for of all those we will be encountering during our day?

Now like never before, that split second just before responding to life as it unfolds is our “savior in disguise” for how we choose to engage with reality dictates how far we’ll be going.

So if you feel stuck in a rut right now, surrounded by much anger, anxiety, uneasiness, consciously look at how you choose to show up for every new day. Do you erratically move from past to future, unable to recognize the gift in your present moment? Do you react to the hot air, which is blowing out in every corner of the planet? Do you blame family, genes, and friends for your misfortunes?

If you do, then you are probably one of the many who are holding their breath, desperately trying not to drown in the terrifying vastness of unknown waters. Trying to stay afloat, frantically moving your body, desperately looking for rescue, you suddenly remember that you’ve had a life vest on the whole time.

You simply chose to forget.

You suddenly realize that the dark open waters no longer scare you, and even though shore may still be a long way, “ease” & “grace” glide you through what’s to come.

At that moment, you exhale and embrace the unknown.

I breathed in the infinity & found myself….beautiful-full-moon-moon-night-ocean-reflection-Favim.com-42317

10 thoughts on “Waiting to Exhale

  1. Thank you very much! I wrote this thinking about the intense planetary action taking place this week…It’s all a bit overwhelming right now on the surface, but the healing taking place is immense!
    Bliss & Grace from my Heart to Yours


    • Thank you Peaceof8….It’s never easy and it may well be a lifetime job…but if we could be Ok with taking baby steps then coming out of past & future wouldn’t be such a daunting mission!
      Bliss & Grace from my Heart to Yours

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Cool picture!

    We definitely seem to be in a society that focuses so much more on “doing” than “being.” It worries me that we live in an age that’s supposedly so “advanced,” and yet we can’t take 5 minutes to actually become in touch with ourselves and the type of person we want to be. Good reminder.


    • And so I carry on learning what I teach, constantly reminding myself of what a difference those 5 minutes make…This is a learning process from us all and it’s not an easy one, but Im so glad when readers like yourself pause and take that time they so deserve.
      Bliss & Grace from my Heart to Yours


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